Thursday, July 29

Pain -

People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain. 

- By Jim Morrison -

Wednesday, July 28

Jump -

The time has come for me to take a leap
To jump and let myself fall
And embrace whatever hits me on my way down
I will accept everything that will come on my path
I will deal with it in the best manner I know

I am scared and nervous
But this is one thing I have to do
From now on will only accept the good things
If bad comes I will recognize it this time
And remove myself away from it

I deserve it and owe it to myself
It is time for me
to be one with me again
Whole as a single person
Goodbye for now

Tuesday, July 27

Phoniness -

I am sick of people trying to read all books possible and doing their best to be spiritiual. 
It all starts inside of you, not in a book. It starts with how you live your life, the choices you make, 
how you treat others. 
How can you keep fooling yourself?! Wake up.. 
There is nothing spiritual, sincere or truthful about a person who lies not only to others, but mainly to himself.

Sunday, July 25

L O V E -

Acceptance, Respect, Arguments, Caring, Fighting, Kissing, Crying, Letting go, Holding on, Coming together, Understanding, Listening, Trust, Loyalty, Perseverance, Passion, Compromises.

Friday, July 23

On Hold -

There is no such thing as having a good reason
To temporarily put your life on hold
There is only a stupid reason.
In fact there is no reason at all
To put your life on hold

Live, love and get your heart broken
Then pick up the shattered pieces
and love even more fiercely
Fall, flat on your face
but get up again and walk slowly.

Breathe in deeply and taste the moments
Exhale and try new things
Feel your emotions 
and embrace your pain
But never, never ever stop and stand still. 

Saturday, July 17

Waiting -

You know sometimes 
you are waiting 
for something
you know
is not going to happen

But you wait
and wait
and wait a bit longer
hoping somehow
it will happen

But it is not happening
and you fool yourself
by making excuses
why things 
simply aren't happening

It is not the heart 
that fools you
it is your mind
that does
the fooling part

The mind 
makes up all these excuses
and the heart
is sending out feelings
to convince you otherwise

That's why
we gotta learn
to listen 
listen to your heart
as it is the most honest
and only truth

Thursday, July 15

Schizoïd -

Last Tuesday I learned
that I'm a schizoïd, paranoïd person.
So basically..
I am A Nutter**
It's good to get to know yourself better

Monday, July 12

Birthdays -

Today is my Birthday..
I'm not sure yet
If I actually like Birthdays
But still
Hip Hip Hoorah 

Saturday, July 10

Sun -

Dear Sun
I love you
I love your warmth on my skin
The way your light makes everything
more beautiful
Even people
I shall enjoy your presence
Until you decide to go to sleep
Then I will go to sleep with you
And shall wake up again
When you decide to rise

Dear Sun,
I really do Adore you